
The #GreatBritishSpringClean is back for the 9th year running

Earlier this week I met with Keep Britain Tidy in Parliament to get ready for the #GreatBritishSpringClean - this year it’s running from 15th -31st Marc

We have some fantastic litterpicking groups across Bloxwich Willenhall annd Walsall North:

Walsall Community Litter Watch

Celebrating Cresswell Wanderers Royal Recognition

I was delighted to join volunteers from Cresswell Wanderers FC and the Staffordshire Football Association in the Mayor of Walsall’s parlour to celebrate the clubs outstanding volunteer team receiving the King's Award for Voluntary Service

POP Youth Project to re-open

Youth clubs and activities give young people a chance to learn new skills, meet new people their age and stay out of trouble. So it’s great that POP Youth Project will now re-open to young people living across Blakenall, Bloxwich and Walsall.

RIP Chris Nicoll

I am saddened to hear the news about the passing of Chris Nicholl at the age of 77.

Chris played for Villa from 1972 - 77, winning the Leage Cup in 1975 and '77.

£1000 fines for litter droppers in Walsall

There’s nothing worse than seeing someone drop litter from the car or in the street. I’m pleased Walsall council is now getting tough on people dropping litter